Wed, 20 December 2023
- Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris
- Thank you Jason W, Ceri W, Lee K, Scott K
- Big Podcast news:
- Holiday Gift Exchange!
- 2023 Cotr Highlights
- All Swag has shipped.
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_223_-_QC.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:00am CDT
Mon, 27 November 2023
- Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris
- Thank you Andreas R, Ross G, Brian S, David S
- Big Podcast news:
- The Con has happened and we have tales to share!
- All Swag has shipped.
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_222_-_conoftherings.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:13am CDT
Mon, 13 November 2023
- Welcome from Jon, Eric, and Chris.
- Special Guest: Jeremy Zwirn
- Thank you Andreas R, Ross G, Brian S, David F
- The Swag has been shipped domestically, international shipping soon.
- Two Towers re-packaged is out in the wild
- So JZ, what would you say you do here?
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_221_-_JZ.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:47am CDT
Tue, 7 November 2023
It's our annual Second Breakfast with the community! -
Jon, Chad, Chris, and Splice open up with early Con highlights -
Time travel back to Friday to chat with Amy while she gives Chad his long-awaited henna masterpiece -
Jon is joined by Brian, Lee, and Mike for Dwarrowdelf commiserations -
Sabina, Dominic, and Rob hop in for Eagle Talk and some poetry -
Finally, appearing from the mists, 3/4ths of the Grey Company! Thank you to our Patrons who make the show possible, as always the .5's are on us
Direct download: CotR_Second-Breakfast-2023.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:42am CDT
Tue, 17 October 2023
- Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris
- Thank you Ziggi W, Glenn H, Stefano L, Daniel M
- The Con is happening in 3 days! (and already happened if not listening live)
- Italy a huge event in Milan, the 28th of October, contact Lorunks on Discord
- Top 4/Bottom 3 player cards from Return of the King Saga boxes
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_220_-_QC.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:26am CDT
Tue, 19 September 2023
- Welcome from (a very sick) Chad, Jon, and Chris
- Thank you Andrew D, Atte L, Sam VanT, Luke H
- The Siege of Erebor an ALEP stand-alone quest
- RRR -Multiplayer
- The Con is near!
- Decks we are bringing to The Con
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_219_-_allyelrond.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 1:11pm CDT
Wed, 6 September 2023
- Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris
- Special Guest: Autumn
- Thank you Diedert K, Darren M, Tim F, Michael K.
- Con of the Rings is almost here
- RRR -Multiplayer
- A Fifth Starter Deck:
- Alt-art discussion
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_218_-_altstart.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:39am CDT
Mon, 7 August 2023
- Welcome from Jon, Eric, Brad and Chris
- Thank you Tyler M, Zack P, Helen H, Lars J
- Announcements and News:
2022 Swag plus Daan’s book Max, alias Whispers; The seas Whisperer Eddie Ashton; USS Eden's Promise Kevin Zorena; USS Second Breakfast 2020 fellowship alt arts Mike Kozlik (Galion on COTR Discord); Belladonna Sebastian Wojta; The Deckbox of the Seas 2020 Fellowship balrog deck box, threat tracker, dividers, and one package of Eye of Sauron card sleeves Jeff Maynes (Razumikhin); The Elencirya Vingilittle - RRR: Multiplayer
- CotR Mailbag!
- Who done it? Chad has been taken out by a player card!
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_217_-_theghostofchadsburg.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 11:32am CDT
Sat, 29 July 2023
- Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris
- Thank you Niall H, Raymond W, Sean S, Nick A
- Announcements and News:
- Dream-Chaser Campaign is out!
- Two Towers Reprint Announced
- FFG LotR Events at Gen Con
- GameZenter/Artiforge no longer printing Nightmare or POD
- RRR: Multiplayer
- Vengeance of Mordor Top 4/Bottom 3 (Someone's best is another's 3rd worst)
- Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_216_-_Dont_Put_a_Ring_On_It.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:52am CDT
Fri, 30 June 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris, Thank you David H, David R, Glen S, Doug B Announcements and News: Con of the Rings 2023 tickets now for sale! Random Review Redo: Multiplayer Ship Mechanics Explained We are on a boat! Contest Dreamchaser Quest advice AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode215boardingparty.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 5:12pm CDT
Sun, 18 June 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, Eric, and Chris Special Guest: FFG Game Designer Tyler Parrott Thank you Andy S, Michael O, Richard H, Mark C Announcements and News: Jon's 100th Episode Con of the Rings 2023 tickets now for sale! Tyler has a lot to say about a lot of things. AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_214Davflametalk.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 10:04am CDT
Wed, 24 May 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris, Thank you Liam C, Morgan K, Simon E, Sebastian L Special Thank You to Autumn for the artwork! Announcements and News: Con of the Rings 2023 tickets now for sale! Random Review Redo: Multiplayer Chad does not like Nazgul. Three-murdered. 3 good, 3 bad. The gang once again looks at cards and thier theme. AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_213_-_clippy.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 7:27am CDT
Sun, 30 April 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, and eventually Eric and Chris, Very Special Guest: AR Thank you Jindrich J, Janet W, Jason M, and Doug H Announcements and News: nothing important here, Chad really has noting happening that he wants everyone to know about. Just fast forward past this part. AR Interview: The Pipeline Explained AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_212_-_ALEPBOT3000.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 4:16pm CDT
Tue, 11 April 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris, Thank you Robert C, Alex S, Alexander W, Andrew S Random Review Redo: OF PAIN! Announcements and News Repackaged Dream-chaser Cycle announced Why you should be excited for this! AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_211_-_unhappysalmon.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:03am CDT
Wed, 22 March 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, Chris, Aaron, Ben, and Mark Thank you Hayley L, Heather H, Perry R, Markus O Random Review Redo: OF PAIN! Announcements and News Con of the Rings 2023! New LOTR games in the wild! What's the deal with MTG LOTR? Caleb was on Nerd of the Rings! AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_210_-_gatheringinthedeep.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:41am CDT
Thu, 23 February 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Brad Thank you Kimberly B, Tom Z, Dai A, Edward B Announcements and News Random Review Redo: OF PAIN! Saga and Theme and Deckbuilding Discussion AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_209_-_BillRohan.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 8:23am CDT
Mon, 6 February 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Chris Thank you Gert V, Arjan H, Geoff C, David C Announcements and News Random Review Redo: OF PAIN! Top/Bottom player cards from The Two Towers AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_208_-_Quickbeam.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 1:50pm CDT
Sun, 8 January 2023
Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Eric Thank you Anthony B, Brennan M, Dan AKA KennedyHawk, Brent M Announcements and News Massive Multiplayer online January 15th at 1:30 pm Eastern, which is 7:30 pm Central European time: The Nine are Abroad Random Review Redo: OF PAIN! Community Round-up Spreadsheet with community information: Other notable community contributers: - Grey Company Podcast
- Tales from the Cards blog
- Three is Company Podcast
- Lotr LCG Facebook Group
- Warden of Arnor blog
- Monday Night Twitch
- League of Cooperative Gaming discord server
- Lotr Quest Companion
- Ringsdb deck builder
- Dragn cards
- Herr der Ringe LCG Wiki german resource\
- Late of the Rings podcast
- Con of the Rings convention
- Lotr Deck Tech deckbuilding series
- Master of Lore blog
- 10th Nazgul/Hive Tyrant videos
- Secondhand Took blog
- Mirkwood Runner blog
- Susurros del bosque viejo spanish resource
- Team Covenant videos
- Lure of Middle Earth Convention
- Legacy of Feanor custom content
- GeckoTH custom content
- Ninjadorg custom content
- Feonix custom content
- Riddermark Lord alt arts
- Burger Tokens tokens
- Drac tokens
- Buy the Same Token tokens
- The BGG dividers - a few different flavors. Nine Riders (tlawrence) and Ryno (originally Ryno, now maintained by Malarick) are most popular
- Tesseract games dividers
- The box project - Ira and Jason working to make custom printed boxes to house cycles
- Non-LOTR: Biglof, Vardean, and Wandering Took: Critical Encounters and Daniel's Podcast: The Canon Reviewed
AMA Farewell!
Direct download: Episode_207_-_Donttellitonthemountain.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 12:23pm CDT