Welcome from Chad, Jon, and Eric
Thank you Anthony B, Brennan M, Dan AKA KennedyHawk, Brent M
Announcements and News
Massive Multiplayer online January 15th at 1:30 pm Eastern, which is 7:30 pm Central European time: The Nine are Abroad
Random Review Redo: OF PAIN!
Community Round-up
Spreadsheet with community information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TvuRjJfbgLcm2I1PKEu_AsT7L93U4UddyTldI9B8hlE/edit?usp=sharing
Other notable community contributers:
- Grey Company Podcast
- Tales from the Cards blog
- Three is Company Podcast
- Lotr LCG Facebook Group
- Warden of Arnor blog
- Monday Night Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/wanderingtook
- League of Cooperative Gaming discord server
- Lotr Quest Companion
- Ringsdb deck builder
- Dragn cards
- Herr der Ringe LCG Wiki german resource\
- Late of the Rings podcast
- Con of the Rings convention
- Lotr Deck Tech deckbuilding series
- Master of Lore blog
- 10th Nazgul/Hive Tyrant videos
- Secondhand Took blog
- Mirkwood Runner blog
- Susurros del bosque viejo spanish resource
- Team Covenant videos
- Lure of Middle Earth Convention
- Legacy of Feanor custom content
- GeckoTH custom content
- Ninjadorg custom content
- Feonix custom content
- Riddermark Lord alt arts
- Burger Tokens tokens
- Drac tokens
- Buy the Same Token tokens
- The BGG dividers - a few different flavors. Nine Riders (tlawrence) and Ryno (originally Ryno, now maintained by Malarick) are most popular
- Tesseract games dividers
- The box project - Ira and Jason working to make custom printed boxes to house cycles
- Non-LOTR: Biglof, Vardean, and Wandering Took: Critical Encounters and Daniel's Podcast: The Canon Reviewed
Direct download:
-- posted at: 12:23pm CDT